
Spiritual Mind Treatment

There is one source. One power. One creative intelligence and one universal life. Whether I call it GOD, Universe, Energy, Source , it is all powerful, all knowing and everywhere present. I know and believe that I am one with this source and power. I am one with the matrix of life that connects all people, all animals, all things and all beings as one. I know that I am a perfect individualization of the whole. I am a wave in the infinite sea of life. I am a holographic part of the whole. As I relax into this moment, I am working at a job that I absolutely and full heartedly love! With co workers that I adore. With a boss that I love working with, at a location that is very convenient for me and making an income that I am very happy with. I am extremely happy, joyful, relieved, grateful, and I feel a sense of freedom and abundance for I now have the financial freedom to meet my every desire. I know that I am tapped into the abundant universal source of prosperity. With a heart filled with love, grace, gratitude, joy and ease I release these words to the eternal one knowing that it is already done.

And So It Is

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