
Your heart is responsible for secreting the molecules of emotions. In other words, your heart is structurally different if you’re living in different states of consciousness. Different emotions will have an impact on your heart directly as it changes its structure. So if you’re living in fear, your heart structure is much different than if you are living in love, passion, kindness. Your heart also creates an electromagnetic field which causes every cell in the body to fall into alignment with that field including your brain waves. The more we feel connected, the healthier your heart will be. So positive emotions and feelings such as love, joy, peace will alter the way you heart is structured and will affect the electromagnetic field which will directly impact all the cells in your body. There are also studies that show that number one cause of premature death from heart problems is caused by hostility, resentment and cynical mistrust.--- paraphrasing Deepak Choapra

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