
Unity's Path Reading for January 2011

For 2011, like a golfer striving for that hole-in-one, it is your desired final outcome that you must hone your vision on. Your mind, emotion, and actions must be fine-tuned, set to arrive at that place which is your destination; the place of loving purpose.
It was funny to me when the angels suddenly awoke me to show me a vision of a golfer hitting a perfect hole-in-one. Before that vision, the closest I had ever come to the green field was decorating a golf club boardroom years ago! Yet from the angels, it quickly all made such simple, easy, sense (as messages from these places always do).
They were sharing with me that just like us, a professional golfer must not doubt his feet that hold him steady, his flowing swing, or his ability to aim for that final hole which he cannot yet see, except for in his own visionary scope, and the drive within him which moves him naturally forward towards it.
As we, and that golfer propel our energy forward, aligning ourselves with our purpose, all of our energy directs itself towards the peaceful, final outcome of our goal; the perfect hole-in-one (in whatever form that may mean).
For 2011, you too must be like that golfer. You must not lose your vision for that which you wish to attain. Like the smiling professional athlete, you must love each step of the journey that leads the way, to achieve the win that is already surely yours. For if only you believe, you will act, and when you act from this visionary, centered place, you will move forward to reach your perfect hole-in-one! (Do not doubt, and you will get it done!).

Eliminating Distractions to Reach Purpose (Love, Relationships, Finances)

Reflect on what it is you wish to achieve and begin by ensuring that it is indeed the bigger, macro-vision of your direction that you are holding before you. To do so you must not ask yourself “What?” but instead, ask yourself: “Why?
The “What” is the career, the body, the lifestyle change, the new home, the marriage, the child, etc. Yet truly it is not the “what” that is our ultimate hole-in-one. For once you have arrived at that “What?”, you will then find new “whats” to drive towards.
Instead, you must look deeper. From your “What?” ask yourself “Why?”
As you do, you’ll begin to realize more fully the truth of what you’re seeking. The angels share that what you’re truly seeking is a space within you that has not yet been fully opened within yourself and the life surrounding you.
You are seeking the space of sacred love, of adventurous passion, of awakened consciousness and of limitless, gracious abundance. You are seeking to return to who you really are; a Creator of Creation, a Master in your own right, one gorgeous vibration of the many vibrations and colours that are also you.

No More Distractions = No More Excuses!

You are being asked to more deeply, and gently, commit yourself to shift yourself away from any distractions or illusions from this goal. Make a daily journal to discover what those distractions may be. Find the systems that work for you to help you get it done.
Common distractions can range from daily television shows and mainstream journalism (tv news and ‘entertainment’) to inadequate food and water, or even the household or monotonous work life routines that can take away valuable time from your ability to achieve the sacred connection you have come here to re-embody, re-enact, and re-awaken in yourself and those called to be around you. For each action taken, ask yourself honestly, “Is this the best use of my energy?”
As you change your unconscious habits, and replace them with conscious ones, healthy habits naturally take their place. You begin to dissolve the distractions and shift away from illusion into the sacred space of purpose.
Every moment you enter and receive sacred space, you are asked to lovingly observe its beauty to deeply journey to its space of authenticity and service.

Flying into Enlightenment – Rose Quartz in Hand

When you are tested, and you will test yourself, remember what my 4-year old son reminded me one day: “Mommy, don’t worry. God and the angels will help you!” Or if you prefer, sing what my three-year old daughter likes to sing around our house, “Love and light! Love and light! Love and light” (a rose quartz in her dancing hands)! For the vibrations of 2011 speed whatever it is you are choosing to bring in, to arrive much quicker than ever before. What you focus on will come unexpectedly fast.
You may wish to use rose quartz to assist you in ensuring that your focus comes from the space of peaceful, healing love. If you build a dreamboard or vision board for the year, you may find it useful to place rose quartz around it or work with pink in the frame or images to remind you of instilling sacred love to the field you are attracting so steadily.

Greeting the Angels Among Us

The angels ask you to know your friends. They repeat this message frequently, for reaching out to each other, is reaching out to yourself. Make room for your friends, make time. Your friends are both here on this Earth, and also those from that heavenly dimension.
However these friends arrive, honour them, go to them, hold the vision to be in the now together and thank them. Understand that they are you, and you are them. Through your exchange all is sacred, for all is now, and all is truth.
And as you give thanks to their many blessings, you come to know them, and coming to know them is you coming to know the greatest parts within yourself.
Archangel Michael flashes a vision to me and strongly shows that your friends will also come along in the form of books, videos, and teachers upon teachers that you are called to not only work with, but to begin becoming.

Animal Totems Speak to Remind You – Universal Messages for 2011

You will be noticing even more messages from the animal beings as they attempt to teach us and heighten our awakening to the truth. They wish to speed up our awareness of the illusion we have been participating in, for only as we come to our awakening, can we truly begin to live in harmony with them, and once again return to being guardians, brothers and sisters to each and every one of them.
At times, you will discover disturbing news regarding their health and earth’s environment, but hold yourself in the light as you receive the truths they are embodying. Understand that just like your highest self, every experience they encounter they have decided upon freely and have embarked upon from love and oneness.
Black bird presents himself this month to remind us of our sacred abilities and to show us the dangers of not following these detours in the decisions we make in our lives. He asks us to be conscious of the poisons around us (physical, mental, emotional) and to take action to remove and move beyond them. There are also those of you that will receive a visit from black cawing crow and peering raven. Look deeper when these visitors come, then deeper again. Ask yourself, as my son once asked me about our cat Timmy: “Why is he singing Mommy? What is he saying to us?”

Final Thoughts

Creators, remember that you are free if only you are conscious to your freedom. In the end, never forget that your job title, your finances, your house, your body size, and anything else does not determine who you are. It is you that determines who you are!
This year, I will keep reminding myself of that perfect hole-in-one, understanding that if all intention, action and energy in motion comes from that space of love, then only love may come of it.
Blessings to You and Your Journey!


1. What can you pass along that is no longer necessary for you to own? (Remembering stagnant energy creates roadblocks, while giving/flowing energy creates new doorways of abundance.)

2. How is your environment supporting your vision for this year?

3. What changes are you being called to embark upon to live your purpose?
*Photographs 1-4 credit by chispita_666
*Photograph 5 credit EvolvingScenes.com
Unity Schmidt's photo About the author:
Unity J. Schmidt - is an Angel Clairvoyant, Life Path Guide and Founder of Spirit Awakes. She works with clients from around the world, helping them awaken Higher Self to understand the journey of discovery (present and past lifetimes), and to heal the Ego so that life may be lived fruitfully, consciously, blissfully.
To discover more about Unity and her services visit: www.ReadingsWithUnity.com
To reach her directly call 1-888-UNITY-11, write unity@readingswithunity.com or follow her on twitter.com/spiritawakes

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