
Step 1: Recognize the need for change

Are you happy with your...
With your career?
Your partner?
Who you are?
What you do?
What you say?
What you have?
Your health?
Your relationships?
How people perceive you?
Your accomplishments?
Your impact on the world?

Ask yourself....

Why do you need to change?
What will happen if you continue on the same path?
What will you lose? What will you gain?
What is the worst/best that will happen if you change?
Are you happy with the current state?
Do you like who you see in the mirror?
Are you living a life of purpose?
Are you following your dreams?
Are you allowing others to be in control?
Are you making up excuses?
Are you being lazy?
If you were on your death bed, would you look back at your life with any regrets?
What is holding you back?
If others can do it why can't you?
As you are the co creator of your life and have access to the power of your mind and the power of the universe what excuse do you have?
Are you allowing your fears to hold you back?
Are you following your heart?

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