
Occupy your heart not your mind...

To protesters from across the globe...

VIOLENCE is NOT the answer.

As the wise Ghandi once said:

"BE the CHANGE you wish to see in the word."

So it has begun...

A month or so ago, the protests began in NYC.

October 15 2011

The world jumped on board and began protesting- including my home town of Toronto.


The year of mystery…

Some believe it to be the year of doom while others the year of change.

Any way you chose to look at it …there's one common truth.

The shift has begun.

The 99% have begun to awaken.

Who by the way should not be categorized by a percentage, for each person is at a different stage of awakening.
Which now means that everyone is beginning to awaken..
and so the SHIFT has begun!
The world is beginning to break out of it's self- made mind controlled prison.
Guarded by whom you may ask?
Well, by your EGO and certain members of society.

One by one ,eyes are opening.
Minds are expanding.
Fear is transforming.
The world is standing up to those in power.
How wonderful!
Remember however
Violence only adds fuel to the fire.
It only helps expand the divide and separation between us.
Instead let us unite in fulfilling our purpose - to awaken to the truth of our power and our unity.
Our power to shape our world…
And our bond and connection to the matrix of life.
From the micro to the macro.
The plants.
The animals.
The atoms.
The particles.

All part of the matrix.

All part of us.

All part of the whole.
We are all ONE.
Some embody this, while others intellectualize it.

So if you truly want to create a change in the world.
Than start by changing yourself!
BE love (especially towards the people that you are protesting against)
BE forgiveness
BE non attached
BE present
BE aware
BE inspired
BE courageous
Change the way you interact with your neighbors.
Say hello.
Hold the door open.
For they are not just strangers, they are a vital part of your experience.
Brought into your life for a reason.
To allow you to experience it.
For without them in your life, your experiences would be much less enlightening.
Your family is no more connected to you than that stranger you met on the street.
You manifest the perceptions and attachments that you form in your relationships.
When in reality, your family was chosen by you to allow you to experience life in this physical world.

So ….
Go through your experiences.
But remember…
Do no attach yourself to them.
Reflect upon them.
Release them.
And learn from them.
And finally integrate them into your life.
That is your purpose for being here.
Growing and Evolving.
And remembering that
We are all ONE.
As airy fairy as that may sound -it is truth.
(If scientific proof is more your style than check out quantum physics..)

So smile the next time you see someone.
Open the door.
Look into their eyes.
It's amazing how powerful those simple gestures can be.
Love is a very powerful energetic frequency.
With the power to transform lower frequencies and energies!
Therefore when one person is vibing on a loving frequency, than that person can affect the energy level of the whole.
All it takes is one person to create change in the world.

In regards to the current situation I would spend more time focusing on creating change within yourself before trying to fight a battle outside of you.

1 comment:

Toronto Life Coaching 4U with Jeff Fisher said...

Rana, I feel the same way. This was very well written. I really like your blog.